X/Twitter Wants New Users to a Pay Fee Before They Can Post


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X still has a bot problem as evidenced by the numerous accounts asking you to check their bio for some reason. But Elon Musk has a brilliant plan to stop the issue on his social media platform: Pay him more money.

The X Updates Radar account posted on Monday that there is new language added to the site referencing a “small annual fee” new users will have to pay to use the platform. Musk claimed that this change was real and explained his reasoning. “Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots,” he said.

Musk went on to say in another tweet that new users would only have to put up with the fee for three months and write access would be free from there on. This makes things a bit confusing since the fee is annual, not monthly.

This tactic by X has already been tested. Back in October, the social media platform tried out charging the $1 fee for new accounts that were opened in New Zealand and the Philippines.
I can see why he has chosen to do this but I don't think it is is fair for those who are genuine new members who will now have to pay before they can post.

Would have loved to see another alternative than going straight to money.
I'm not gonna say much and just let this graph do the talking. His little nazi safe space is predictably going in only one direction.

Doing things for money is the problem of an originally very free service. But the folks who have skin in the game at least get to complain more without challenge.
I can see why he has chosen to do this but I don't think it is is fair for those who are genuine new members who will now have to pay before they can post.

Would have loved to see another alternative than going straight to money.
The three other alternatives that are similar to Twitter are Bluesky(Bluesky) and Mastodon.(Mastodon) Also, facebook’s app‘s threads.
I have to agree with you, no one thought MySpace would die and it died. Nothing in life is a sure thing except for death and taxes.
Myspace was a good social media site too and it birthed a lot of these social networking sites. Without myspace, we wouldn’t have facebook. Lol
I'm not gonna say much and just let this graph do the talking. His little nazi safe space is predictably going in only one direction.

I’m pretty sure Musk hasn’t even came close to making any of his money back from what he spent on Twitter.
Myspace was a good social media site too and it birthed a lot of these social networking sites. Without myspace, we wouldn’t have facebook. Lol

I’m pretty sure Musk hasn’t even came close to making any of his money back from what he spent on Twitter.

He hasn't even stopped losing money
I feel some new companies will pay $1 to post because many X members may use X for learning more about a company by reading a company's X posts.
I feel some new companies will pay $1 to post because many X members may use X for learning more about a company by reading a company's X posts.
Yes a company would, but you're not going to get me to pay $1 to post on X. That is just insane and a money grab. There are other ways to stop bots and all they have to do is pay $1 and their bot is on X. I just don't get it other than he is trying to recoup some of the money he lost.
Yes a company would, but you're not going to get me to pay $1 to post on X. That is just insane and a money grab. There are other ways to stop bots and all they have to do is pay $1 and their bot is on X. I just don't get it other than he is trying to recoup some of the money he lost.

I mean it's a dollar and if it's only for a year then that's actually good. If it were 10 bucks to sign up then Id say yeah its a money grab.
I mean it's a dollar and if it's only for a year then that's actually good. If it were 10 bucks to sign up then Id say yeah its a money grab.
I agree it is only $1 but it is the printable behind it. If 1 million people sign up for it then they made a million dollars for something that should be for free. I honestly think the only reason he is doing it is because the company is tanking and they need cash. Because every company other there battles bots and they do it for free.
I think it would be useful if X let people earn $1 on X by doing a simple task like filling out a paid survey on X to earn $1 on X to pay for the X posting feature for new members.

It can be difficult for some people to setup a Paypal and bank account to pay $1 to X, and not everyone feels comfortable with sharing their financial data like credit card number with X.
It's a way to help reduce unwanted activity but there are so many free services out there, with the economy the way it is, I don't see this working out too well.
It's a way to help reduce unwanted activity but there are so many free services out there, with the economy the way it is, I don't see this working out too well.
I agree, it's another dumb move that he has made with X I don't see X being around in the next 5 years. I see X becoming the next MySpace.